Hey there! I hope this letter meets you well. My birthday was on the 3rd and it was a pretty chill celebration. I turned 19 and also celebrated 10 months of posting articles on my Medium, that's a big deal if you ask me, lol. 2020 was the first time I was instructed to start posting online, I am proud of my growth and in awe of how God makes everything beautiful in due seasons.
But that's by the way, today I want us to have a mini food talk. I'm currently thinking of my mum's fish pie as I write this 'cause I had some more on my birthday. I can't help but recall the way my eyes opened wide in sheer delight at the outburst of flavours and spices from the sauce, as it hit all the right taste buds. The way my satisfactory moan didn't miss the ear of the proud cook, even as I gave a sincere compliment through stuffed mouth. My gosh what a delicacy!
Sorry if you aren't into fish pie, it's probably because you haven't tasted my mum's. And this brings me to my next point. That wasn't the first time I ate fish pie. In fact, prior to that day if you had offered it to me I'd have declined. The reason I resolved to that was because I was offered it at an event and I hated it from the first bite; it was too spicy and over cooked. It made me feel sick and so I just thought that was how all fish pies were made... Until my mum made it and I was compelled to give it a try, lol. If her own child doesn't taste it, who will? And then I had the experience that changed my entire perspective on fish pies!
I know you must be wondering, all that gist for what? I just want to let you know that your distorted view on God may be from a person's misrepresentation of Him. The hurt, confusion, disgust and neglect you feel can all be wiped away like you never had them if you'd just take your place as His child, set aside your preconceived ideas and allow Him feed you the sweetness of His presence.
You see, God is so kind and isn't willing to let you live off of falsehood. We humans are so frail and wicked at heart, it is only through the power and grace of God that we are able to reveal His sweet glory to certain extents. And even at that we fall from time to time. I want to assure you that you didn't hear or see wrongly- they really said and did all that and it made you doubt God and question certain things about Him. But I want to plead with you to lay it all down and let God reintroduce Himself to you.
Romans 3:4 says, "... Let God be true, but every man a liar..." (KJV) Sit with your Father again and let Him right the wrongs, refresh your perspectives by refilling you with Truth, which is Himself.
Play this to pray with me❣️
Song played: Heart of Worship by Brandon Lake